Aida Impressions Make a Great Project Awesome

Aida Impressions Make a Great Project Awesome

Posted by Pinoy Stitch on Aug 2nd 2018

Some DMC Impressions Aida available in the market

Cross Stitch supplies have come a long way from when just plain solid color aida was available. Now a days, modern stitchers have a wide selection of aida fabric to choose from. There are hand dyed aida fabric, different solid colors aida and there are the "Impressions" aida which are pre- stamped patterns on solid color aida. DMC has several of these impressions aida that can make your simple project awesome without having to cover the whole area with stitches.

If you Google for "Impressions aida" you will also find several other suppliers of such fabric with more choices of patterns.

Now, let us look into what patterns can be used for this project. Remember the Young Elizabeth Tudor design that was just recently released? The pattern was specifically designed to give the modern stitcher choice as to what fabric will best suit it. The conservative stitcher may want to just use a plain antique looking fabric for this project, but with all these wide choices right now, why not go for something with a pattern or design that will complement this project?

                                                                                                                DMC Antique Floral Impressions (Not scaled)

I picked the DMC Antique Floral Impressions fabric for this simulation. The picture you see above is not to scale but simply gives you an idea of how you can make projects like this even more majestic just by picking a pattern fabric that would go along with it.

If DMC or other suppliers had something like a Fleur-de-lis that would be even great!

These wide range of supplies available now a days makes cross stitching even more fun! You are no longer limited to covering the whole aida cloth with stitches, you can now pick and choose one color designs or just small designs and make it look really great just by choosing the right fabric for the project!

What are you waiting for? Let's get stitching!